Our members are individuals, students, transportation agencies, corporations, academic institutions, industry non-profits and Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs). We are the presidents and chief executive officers who determine the direction of major transportation systems and the mechanics and operators who ensure the safe passage of millions of transportation riders every day.


The Conference of Minority Transportation Officials of Miami (COMTO Miami) is one of over 30 Chapters nationwide and five chapters in the state of Florida.

COMTO Miami is an independent non-profit organization that provides networking opportunities within the transportation industry for minority individuals and businesses to advance through advocacy, training and professional development. COMTO Miami engages its three county entities of air, land and sea (MIA, Department of Transportation & Public Works and the Port of Miami) to share strategic priorities for multi-modal transportation development and expansion in Miami-Dade County.


Our vision is to build upon our nearly 50-year continuous legacy of ensuring advocacy for minority inclusion in all modes of the transportation industry both locally and nationally.